Busy / But The Best with Natalie Alcala.

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Busy / but The Best is a Q&A series from STUDIO VARUNI featuring badass movers and shakers who are hella busy and the very best at what they do. Snippets shared from their stories told during The Everything Treatment. Who they are, where they’re from, what they’re on a mission to achieve and how they take care. 

Meet Natalie Alcala.

Fashion Mamas FOUNDER. DJ Natalina. Mother. Creative Entrepreneur. Proud Latina. LA Power Girl. Free Spirit. 

“I experienced "The Everything Treatment" last week and — not to be dramatic — but it was a spiritual experience, let alone a skin-saving one. I feel renewed.”

Varuni: Who are you?

Natalie: I’m a dot connector. Whether it’s curating events filled with a cool mix of brands and talents, or linking two like-minded people who go on to create something great , or simply helping someone solidify their goals by guiding them in the right direction, I often think ‘Big Picture’ and have a clear vision of all the steps it takes to make it happen. When the stars align and it all works out, that’s when I feel both powerful and proud.

Varuni: You have 3 hobbies: 1 to make you money, 1 to keep you in shape, and 1 to keep you creative. Tell all.

Natalie: My Money Hobby is DJing. I love music so much and the fact that I get paid to curate sounds for so many special events is a dream come true. 

My Health Hobby is dancing. I also have a daily workout regimen, but dancing is one of those lowkey fitness hacks that’s so fun and you don’t even know you’re burning calories. I’m often the first and last on the dance floor. My kids and I often have dance parties at home.

My Creative Hobby is writing. (This one I also make money on because I am an editor by trade) BUT my creative writing — personal essays, journals, passages — are just for me and live in my Notes app. I try to write every day and keep all those thoughts close to my chest. The dream is to put together a motivational and visually-stunning coffee table book one day. Just something light and easy to come back to when you’re in a creative block.

Varuni: Describe the precise moment you became your truest self.

Natalie: Timely question. Not to be dramatic, but when I turned 40 this year, my entire brain chemistry shifted. The f*cks left my body overnight, and I felt self-love wash all over me. As a result, I removed both people and practices that no longer served me. I suddenly feel so much lighter and so sure of myself—it’s a powerful feeling. I wish I could tell every insecure girl in her ‘20s that aging is not only a gift but it’s LIT.

Varuni: Growing up, my Guyanese mother (the second to youngest of 12 children who moved from Guyana to Toronto for college in the 70s, and then again to Tampa post her 1992 divorce—badass) would say to me and my 2 older sisters: "Remember your 4 B’s!” every single day before dropping us off at the bus stop. Every word from her was shouted (thick, Caribbean accent) no matter the time of day.

For her, the 4 B’s meant “Be bold, bright, beautiful and well-behaved,” she’d say, as she shook her pointer finger at us in the air as a threat if we failed. It was so annoying—then. But for her, it was a rally cry and reminder to her 3 girls to always be the shit. To never back down. And to always just go for it. Describe your 4 B’s:

Natalie: I love this! My 4 Bs are “Be brave, brilliant, blessed and do your best.” I always tell my kids to be the best version of themselves every single day. Don’t worry about anyone else.

Varuni: How would you describe your skin? 

Natalie: My skin hasn’t given me many problems, thank goodness, but as I age I’ve noticed more texture and dryness.

Varuni: How old were you when you started to care about skincare?

Natalie: When I was about 12 years old. That’s when I started to explore the drugstore and stocked up on Clearasil and Neutrogena face wipes. (I’m dating myself, I know!)

Varuni: No matter the cost, what product do you have to have in your skincare routine?

Natalie: Tata Harper Rejuvenating Serum is THAT GIRL. I keep coming back to her.

Varuni: What skincare tip do you believe everyone needs to know?

Natalie: Wash your makeup off, no matter how late you get home! I’m super strict about this.

Varuni:  How do you take time to take care?

Natalie: My nighttime ritual is very sacred. I love a candlelit shower. I also like to keep the living room real dark and candlelit when I’m winding down for the night——tea in hand and my RnB playlist on.

Varuni: Who did you learn to care for yourself from?

Natalie: My grandma. She always smelled so nice and kept her skin nice and dewy. She would put Vaseline on her lips and lipstick on her cheeks. She dressed up real nice just to take the bus and go to the swap meet. No matter her circumstances, she had such beautiful, unwavering pride in her appearance and her point-of-view. Self-love.

Varuni: Describe your morning ritual.

Natalie: My morning typically starts with my 6-year-old wild child, Rio Rose, tugging at my arm to wake up. I wash my face and brush my teeth, then I get the kids ready for school, take them to school and walk home listening to music. When I return home, I workout, make matcha and eat a plant-based yogurt concoction while responding to emails. Music drives my day, so it’s always on in the background.

Varuni: What are you reading (or listening to) right now?

Natalie: I’m listening to a lot of Sade lately. Returning to her keeps me grounded. I listen to “Kiss of Life” at least twice a day. It’s such a beautiful, optimistic anthem that gives me hope and transports me right into the blessed experience she sings about.2

Varuni Palacios

Varuni Palacios is the Founder / Principal Facialist of Studio Varuni in Los Angeles, and a California-licensed esthetician, Hydrafacial Master Esthetician and Face Reality Certified Acne Expert.


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