Busy / But The Best with Tayo Kuku Jr.

You’re reading: Busy / but The Best.
Busy / but The Best is a Q&A series from STUDIO VARUNI featuring badass movers and shakers who are hella busy and the very best at what they do. Snippets shared from their stories told during The Everything Treatment. Who they are, where they’re from, what they’re on a mission to achieve and how they take care. 



VARUNI: What are you the best at?

TAYO: When I'm in your corner, I will make you feel invincible, empowering you to reach heights you never thought possible. Whether it's offering support, challenging you to push your boundaries, or simply being a source of unwavering encouragement, I have a knack for seeing potential in others and helping them unlock it.

I believe that everyone has unique strengths and talents, and my greatest satisfaction comes from helping others discover and harness them. In any collaboration or partnership, my goal is always to uplift and amplify the abilities of those around me, driving us all towardS shared success.

Varuni: You have 3 hobbies: 1 to make you money, 1 to keep you in shape, and 1 to keep you creative. Tell all.

TAYO: To Make Money: Photography is not just a passion but a powerful tool that allows me to capture and convey stories, emotions, and moments. It's also a lucrative avenue where my creativity intersects with business, whether through client work, commercial shoots, or selling prints. Every photo I take has the potential to not only resonate with an audience but also contribute to my financial growth.

To Keep in Shape: Running has become a cornerstone of my daily routine. Training for my first half marathon, I’ve discovered that running isn't just about physical endurance; it’s also about mental resilience. It keeps me fit, sharp, and disciplined, and the discipline I’ve gained from running has translated into other areas of my life, helping me stay focused and driven.

To Keep Creative: Writing is my outlet for creative expression. Whether it’s journaling thoughts, drafting ideas for a new project, or simply penning down reflections on the day, writing keeps my mind active and my creative juices flowing. It allows me to explore different perspectives, expand my imagination, and articulate the stories I want to tell through my art.

Varuni: Describe the precise moment you became your truest self.

TAYO: I became my truest self when I took a year to focus on reaching my fullest potential mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and physically. Through this year of intentional isolation, I reached a level of self-awareness and discipline I had never experienced before. It was during this period that I stripped away distractions and focused on the core of who I am, without external influences or societal expectations. I spent time digging deep into my passions, reevaluating my beliefs, and facing my fears head-on.

Spiritually, I cultivated a stronger connection with God, grounding myself in faith and letting go of doubts that had previously held me back. Mentally, I challenged myself to embrace growth, embracing discomfort as a sign of progress. Emotionally, I learned to honor my feelings, allowing vulnerability to become a strength rather than a weakness. And physically, I pushed my body to new limits, realizing that endurance and strength were reflections of the inner resilience I was building.

Varuni: Growing up, my Guyanese mother (the second to youngest of 12 children who moved from Guyana to Toronto for college in the 70s, and then again to Tampa post her 1992 divorce—badass) would say to me and my 2 older sisters: "Remember your 4 B’s!” every single day before dropping us off at the bus stop. Every word from her was shouted IN HER thick, Caribbean accent WITH A FINGER POINTING, no matter the time of day.

For her, the 4 B’s meant “Be bold, bright, beautiful and well-behaved,” she’d say. for her, it was a rally cry and reminder to her 3 DAUGHTERS to always be the shit. To never back down. And to always just go for it. Describe your 4 B’s:

TAYO: Be Bold, Be Brave, Be Balanced and Be Benevolent.

VARUNI: How would you describe your skin?

TAYO: I'd describe my skin as soft, clear and clean. I do have a bit of an oily disposition.

VARUNI: How old were you when you began to care about skincare?

TAYO: I started taking skincare much more seriously when I was 25.

VARUNI: No matter the cost, what product do you have to have in your skincare routine?

TAYO: I HAVE to have a good cleanser. I lead a very active lifestyle and that, combined with oily-prone skin means that I always need a quality cleanser to get all sweat and grime out and keep my pores clean.

VARUNI: What skincare tip do you believe everyone needs to know?

TAYO: One skincare tip that I believe everyone needs to know is the importance of consistency in your routine. The best products in the world won’t give you the results you’re looking for if you’re not using them regularly.

Varuni:  How do you take time to take care?

TAYO: I take time to take care by regularly doing an audit of myself—mind, body, and spirit. I'm always moving and on the go, so there are certainly times when I start to neglect certain things.

To keep myself in check, I make it a habit to pause and evaluate what areas of my life need more attention. Whether it’s carving out time for physical activity to stay in shape, practicing mindfulness to maintain mental clarity, or reconnecting with loved ones to nurture my emotional well-being, I make sure to realign my priorities. This practice helps me stay balanced and ensures that I’m not just pushing forward but also thriving in every aspect of my life.

Varuni: Who did you learn to care for yourself from?

TAYO: I honestly learned from myself after a period of my life when I went through a season of depression during which I had no one to turn to outside of myself. Having to rely on my own determination, willpower, and emotional + mental discipline to get me through that incredibly difficult time instilled a level of self-awareness and self-love that I continue to build off of on a continuous basis.

Varuni: Describe your morning ritual.

TAYO: My morning routine consists of waking up and spending time in prayer. I then move into a brief moment of meditation + stretching to wake my body up. The last and one of the most critical parts of my morning is engaging in physical activity -- either weightlifting or a hot yoga/pilates class or a run. If I miss any one of these things, my day certainly feels out of whack.

Varuni: What are you reading (or listening to) right now?

TAYO: I'm currently reading "The Book of Longings" by Sue Monk Kidd. 

Varuni Palacios

Varuni Palacios is the Founder / Principal Facialist of Studio Varuni in Los Angeles, and a California-licensed esthetician, Hydrafacial Master Esthetician and Face Reality Certified Acne Expert.
